Papercurve for Pharma Commercial Operations

Papercurve's Verified Email platform revolutionized a pharmaceutical company's Commercial Operations by providing efficient, trackable distribution of critical information with a remarkable 48% CTR.
The Challenge

A pharmaceutical company’s Commercial Operations team needed an efficient and trackable way to distribute product allocation notices to healthcare professionals and organizations. Traditional methods like fax and regular email lacked engagement insights and made it difficult to ensure critical information reached the right people in a timely fashion.

The Solution: Papercurve Verified Email

Papercurve's innovative platform provided a seamless solution for creating, reviewing, and distributing highly regulated content. The Verified Email feature allowed for:

  • Easy creation and review of product allocation notices
  • Secure distribution via unique share links
  • Real-time tracking of recipient engagement

The Results:
  • 100,00+ Share Links sent with an average Click Through Rate (CTR) of 48%.
Papercurve Verified Email CTR vs Average B2B email CTR

Papercurve Verified Email Share Links sent by Month
  • Improved visibility into which healthcare professionals and organizations are engaged with specific products/drugs.
  • Enhanced compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Streamlined communication process for critical inventory information

Key Benefits
  1. Efficiency: Simplified the distribution of vital product information
  2. Insights: Provided valuable data on recipient engagement
  3. Compliance: Ensured adherence to industry regulations
  4. Scalability: Handled high volumes of communications effortlessly

Key Metrics:
  • Average Share Link clicks per campaign:            253
  • Average downloads per campaign:                      22
  • Average Click-Through Rate (CTR):                       48%
  • Average Download Rate:                                         4%

The Commercial Operations team achieved a remarkable 48% Click Through Rate (CTR), significantly outperforming other Business to Business (B2B) email campaign averages. This high engagement rate demonstrates the effectiveness of Papercurve's Verified Email in reaching and resonating with the target audience.

The consistent growth in use of the platform indicates strong adoption and integration into the Commercial Operations outreach strategy.

The high CTR suggests effective leveraging of the sharing feature, potentially expanding the campaign's reach beyond the initial recipient list.

Papercurve's Verified Email has proven to be a valuable tool for Commercial Operations, enabling them to achieve high engagement rates and effectively distribute content to their audience.

Next Steps:
1. Analyze high-performing campaigns:

   Examine the top-performing campaigns which had the highest click-through rates. CTR numbers at this level indicate multiple Share Links per verified email and extensive forwarding of the email to others who then clicked on the Share Links. Identify common elements in these campaigns that contributed to their success and apply these insights to future campaigns.

2.  Track other outreach efforts and compare them to the Verified Email benchmark:

   Compare Verified Email metrics with other outreach efforts such as outlook emails or fax blasts.  Consider adding those outreach channels to Papercurve.  Papercurve Verified Outreach allows for emails, emails with attachments and faxes to be sent from and reported on Papercurve, unifying your outreach and reporting to one compliant platform.

3.  Engage top stakeholders:

  Develop targeted strategies for the most engaged stakeholders, both customers and company employees. Use the data on individual engagement to personalize content and frequency of communications for these high-engagement individuals. Commercial Operations powered by Paige AI can be leveraged to create compliant, timely and relevant content that is personalized to engaged stakeholders.

4. Share access and data across departments:

   Given the high engagement from internal staff, consider ways to encourage more internal sharing of relevant updates. Consider giving engaged staff access to the user analytics (ex. Date/time/duration of a click or download on a piece of content by a specific user). Consider adding other departments that have similar outreach and reporting needs.

5. Optimize email subject lines:

  Consider A/B testing different subject line formats to further improve open rates and engagement.

6. Timing analysis:

  Analyze the best times and days for sending emails to maximize engagement. Look for patterns in when your most successful campaigns were sent. B2B emails tend to get the most engagement (clicks) when sent in the Morning or early afternoon.

7. Feedback loop:

   Implement a system to gather qualitative feedback from top engagers to understand what they find most valuable about the Verified Email campaigns.

By focusing on these areas, your Commercial Operations team can potentially improve engagement, provide more value to stakeholders, and increase the overall effectiveness of Papercurve Verified Email campaigns.

To take your Commercial Operations outreach efforts to the next level, please enquire about Papercurve Verified Outreach, which combines Verified Email and Verified Fax on one platform with best-in-class analytics to help your team take the Next Best Action (NBA) with each stakeholder.